“Ours is the only organization I know that is dedicated to the individual. We work together to bring out the best in each of us and then we apply our skills to help others.” -Ralph Smedley
Founder Toastmasters International |
Gavel Clubs are affiliates of Toastmasters International, the leading movement devoted to making effective oral communication a world-wide reality. Through its member clubs, Toastmasters International helps men and women learn the arts of speaking,listening, and thinking-vital skills that promote self-actualization, enhance leadership potential, foster human understanding,and contribute to the betterment of mankind. It is basic to this mission that Toastmasters International continually expand its worldwide network of clubs, thereby offering ever-greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from its programs. However,minors and those who cannot afford to pay Toastmasters dues, cannot normally avail of the benefit of Toastmasters training. For those individuals, Toastmasters International has an answer in the Gavel Clubs. The Gavel Club program is open to any group of individuals who cannot otherwise qualify to become a Toastmasters Club due to age, inability to pay full Toastmasters dues, or other circumstances which would prohibit full participation in Toastmasters activities, except that such individuals cannot be employed adults. This makes it ideal for high schools and colleges where potential members are either below 18 years of age or have yet to embark on their chosen careers. Gavel Clubs may also be formed in rehabilitational Institutions, hospitals and elsewhere. Thus,Gavel Clubs also provide an opportunity for community service by Toastmasters members or clubs. Members of Gavel Clubs use the very same manuals and training that Toastmasters members use. Gavel clubs differ in that they have limited access to the leadership track awards and materials, cannot participate in Toastmasters area and district speech contests and do not enjoy many of the privileges and benefits that come with full membership in Toastmasters.
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