Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Gavels Club Program


       The educational program is the heart of Toastmasters. It is the means through which you develop your communication and leadership skills and achieve your goal of becoming a better communicator.
       The core of the program is the Communication and Leadership Program manual(also called the "basic manual"),which contains 10 speech projects. The basic manual helps develop your speaking skills one step at a time. Every project builds upon what you have learned in the preceding project. As you complete the projects you'll learn the importance of sincerity in speaking,how to effectively organize a presentation,how to use body language and voice to convey your message,word choice and props,persuasive speaking,and how to inspire others.
       Your first goal as a member is to complete this manual. When you do,you are eligible for Competent Gavelier recognition. You can then enter the Advanced Communication and Leadership Program,where you can refine and enhance your basic skills. This program consists of 15 manuals,each containing five speech projects. Many of the manuals are career-oriented;several are not. You choose the manuals you want to complete and the skills you want to learn.
The manuals are:
  •The Entertaining Speaker  •The Professional Salesperson  •Public Relations
  •The Discussion Leader  •Specialty Speeches  •Storytelling
  •The Professional Speaker  •Communicating on Television  •Technical Presentations
  •Speaking to Inform  •Speeches by Management  •Interpretive Reading
  •Personal Communication  •Special Occasion Speeches  •Humorously Speaking

     Every prepared speaker is assigned an evaluator who points out speech strengths and offers suggestions for improvement. This is the heart of the Toastmasters program. Whenever you give a prepared speech,your evaluator will point out the presentation's strengths and offer suggestions for improving your next speech. In the beginning,your Club members will applaud your effort,but later they'll applaud your skill.

The Club Meeting

     A Gavel Club meets once a week or every other week for about an hour or two. Each meeting gives everyone an opportunity to practice. Everyone talks-that's why you're there!You'll build "quick-thinking" skills as you're asked to give a one-to two-minute impromptu speech during Table Topics. Later,you may be the person asking the Table Topics questions. Eventually you'll introduce speakers,give prepared speeches,conduct meetings,and perform many other roles.
       Members of Gavel Clubs can also purchase items from the vast store of educational materials that are available to regular Toastmasters members. Such items as our "Debate Handbook",which contains basic principles of formal debate,with sample debate formats and judging tips,Video Cassette programs that build special qualities of leadership,examine leadership styles,teach how to keep meetings on track and end them on a positive note,and even how to sell products,proposals and ideas to groups,are available to members of Gavel Clubs.
       If the Gavel Club sounds like the answer to your prayers, then e-mail  newclubs@toastmasters.org. Some of your questions may already have been answered in our F.A.Q..

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